
How to debug android studio
How to debug android studio

how to debug android studio

The adb (Android Debug Bridge) program is part of the Android SDK an alternative to installing the Android SDK is to use WebADB in Chrome.

  • Find an associated Android crash report: If your Android app is on Google Play, refer to the crashes section of the Google Play Console, or connect your Android device to your computer and run adb logcat to view the streaming logs.
  • If not, refer to their "Diagnosing Issues Using Crash Reports and Device Logs" guide.
  • Find an associated iOS crash report: If your iOS app is on TestFlight or the App Store, you can use the Crashes Organizer in Xcode.
  • Find an associated JavaScript crash report: Check your JavaScript error reporting service (such as Sentry).
  • how to debug android studio

    Reproduce the crash (either using your production app, or the Expo Go app).It's important now to reproduce the issue, and, even if you can't do that, to find any related crash reports. This can be a really frustrating scenario, since it gives you very little information to go off of at first glance.

    how to debug android studio

    Using console.log for debugging isn't considered the best practice, but it's fast, easy, and oftentimes provides some illuminating information Use breakpoints (or console.logs) to check and make sure a certain piece of code is being run, or that a variable has a certain value.This should narrow down the possible sources of the error, and provide you with more information to search the internet for others who have had the same problem.For example, if you use a state management library like Redux, you can try removing that from the equation completely to see if the issue lies in your state management (which is really common in React apps) If the code you're adding in each "piece" is complex, you may want to simplify what you're doing.Apply your recent changes piece by piece, until it breaks.Revert back to a working version of your code (this may even be a completely blank npx create-expo-app project).This step is vital in fixing obscure errors. Isolate the code that's throwing the error.Search for the error message in Google and Stack Overflow, it's likely you're not the first person to ever run into this.For errors that aren't as intuitive to solve, here's a good list of steps to take: Sometimes you'll be able to tell exactly what's wrong just by the stack trace, but other times the error message is a little more cryptic.

    How to debug android studio